Biennial Convention

AED hosts a national biennial convention, which is the governing body of AED. The national convention invites all of its chapters to come together and participate in a wide variety of programs and networking opportunities. Each member and chapter is encouraged to attend and participate in the program. The National Officers collaborate with the host chapter and Regional Director to arrange the place, date, and program of the convention. Each active chapter has an official delegate representative; the official chapter delegates constitute the voting members at the business sessions during the convention.


In 2016, approximately 15 AED members of the Ohio Alpha Chapter traveled to Houston, Texas to participate in the AED National Convention. During this 3-day event, students attended various engaging lectures about different health specialities, toured Baylor University’s School of Medicine and the University of Texas Medical School at Houston, socialized with other chapters at the Houston Zoo, and networked with recruiters for various health professional schools and test prep companies. The next convention will take place in Bethesda, MD in March 2018.

Pictures from the 2016 Convention in Houston, Texas: