Maddie Collins



Graduation Date: May 2021

Hometown: Springboro, OH



Fundraising Chair

Hello! My name is Maddie Collins, and I am a fourth-year student and I am the Fundraising Chair for AIChE this school year! As the fundraising chair, I manage all our AIChE’s professional and community fundraising efforts. This is done by obtaining sponsorships and organizing fundraising events in and around the CBE department. I am very excited to be the Fundraising Chair this year, even though our fundraisers will look a little different this year. We’ll be working on creative ways to raise money for AIChE so we can still provide social and professional events for all our great members.

My Experiences

At OSU, my focus has been on academics and AIChE. I have been an active member of AIChE since the start of my sophomore year. I was a committee of the Social Events Committee where I helped plan all the fun activities our members got to participate in. The following year, I served as the Webmaster, where I ran the social media platforms and the website. I also had the privilege of being one of the AIChE’s BuckeyeThon Team Captain’s last year (we raised of $13,000 for the kids whoop whoop!), and I am excited to do it again this year. I have loved being so involved in this organization and it has led me to develop a great community of support in ChemE. I am very excited to continue my involvement as the Fundraising Chair.

I had the opportunity to work at Honda R&D as a Materials Research Co-op. It was a great experience where I got to see what life as an engineer might look like. I gained a lot of experience working with materials, such as resins and polycarbonates, and developing my physical property knowledge. I enjoyed working in the research and development industry and hopefully I can get a job in an R&D position following graduation.

My Hobbies

Although a lot of my time is dedicated to school and extracurriculars, I do ensure I have time for other things I enjoy. I love hanging out with my friends, whether that be playing games, watching movies, going out to dinner, or just hanging out in our house. I enjoy working out, it is a huge stress reliever for me. I also really love reading when I have the time. My favorite genre is romantic thriller. I love the love stories, but I also like to be on the edge of my seat. I am a huge coffee fan, so going to coffee shops is a must. You can find me there for the entirety of finals week. I watch a lot of Netflix shows, eat lots of tacos, and love spending time with my family.

Contact Maddie if you would like to be a member of the Fundraising Committee, have any fundraising ideas, or are looking for information about sponsorships! She is always open to hear new ideas or just chat!