noun ad·vo·ca·cy \\ ˈad-və-kə-sē \\
the act or process of supporting a cause or proposal
As future dentists, it is our responsibility to protect and progress our profession. Here, we provide a forum to get informed on the issues affecting our future careers, and share your opinion with others
Read more in our blog, The Advocacy Extra.
Our featured Advocacy Extra article is …
Dental Insurance Coverage Policies
Many dental practitioners in today’s society are facing challenges when it comes to what dental insurance companies deem as “necessary” versus “unnecessary” procedures. With advances in technologies, such as dental implants, many dentists are feeling as though these are a better alternative for longer lasting and successful treatment for their patients as opposed to a fixed bridge or endodontic root canal.
Professors at OSU involved in Advocacy:
With respect to your career as a dentist, what value do you gain from participating in organized dentistry?
Although I do personally gain by my involvement in organized dentistry through the opportunity to form many friendships by my interaction with many sincere, dedicated and outstanding people, it is mostly the satisfaction of participating in something bigger than myself that I embrace. Advocating for our profession fundamentally means advocating for our patients. As professionals, we must earn and cherish the trust bestowed upon us by our patients and we must do it every day. Influences outside of dentistry continue to slowly erode that trust. It is through a concerted effort of many individuals that we must inform the public, especially those in power positions, as we support and promote what is best for our patients. Organized dentistry, through the ADA, ODA and the local component societies, is the voice of our entire profession and the voice for our patients well-being. If we don’t do it, who will?
Dr. Matt Messina
ADA Council on Governmental Affairs
Dr. Henry Fields
Past President of the ODA
Dr. Sarah Fowler
OSU ASDA's Representative
Dr. Lisa Lang
Member of ODA, ADA, AO, and ACP
What issues are on Ohio dental professional’s minds?
Non-Covered Services
Non-covered services are generally used by larger carriers as a marketing ploy. These services are provisions in dental insurance plans that dictate what a dentist may charge a plan enrollee for services, typically cosmetic, not covered in the plan. Patients are adversely affected because they are forced to either settle for a less ideal treatment from their dentist or find a different provider entirely. The dentist is put in a tough position because by moving forward with the treatment they could be cited for breach of contract and be at risk of losing a significant percentage of their patient population. These provisions are unnecessarily encroaching on the patient-provider relationship.
State Issue 2!
State Issue 2 Text!
– Lobby Days –
Based in the state capital, OSU students have a unique opportunity to be active proponents of dentistry as a profession, as well as dental education. In collaberation with The Ohio Dental Association (ODA), ASDA sends over a dozen members every year to lobby for what we believe in!
– Find Your Representatives –
Ohio District 3 Representative
(The Ohio State University)
Joyce Beatty (D)
Ohio District 15 Senator
(The Ohio State University)
Charleta Tavares (D)
Ohio US Senator
Sherrod Brown (D)
Ohio US Senator
Rob Portman (R)