Health & Wellness
Dental school invariably will be one of, if not the most stressful part of many of our lives. Health focuses on keeping our bodies free of injury and illness, while Wellness concentrates on a balance between your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. To these ends, OSU ASDA makes an eager effort to help quiet minds, build bodies, and nurture spirits!
Welcome Back Volleyball Tournament
Each year, OSU ASDA gives the hot Ohio weather a fond farewell and says hello to incoming D1 students with our Welcome Back Volleyball Tournament! Teams of four compete across the court to see who can ace the competition! Check out a video of the experience below!
Climb with Us
at the OAC
Do you struggle with extractions? Get handcramps after holding a drill for hours on end? Train your grip strength with ASDA at the Outdoor Adventure Center! Completely free for OSU students, the OAC houses a 35-foot tall indoor climbing wall with 20+ routes for your dangling pleasure! Our members can be found at the other climbing/bouldering gyms in Columbus every week, and make frequent trips to Red River Gorge in Kentucky! We’re eager to teach newcomers, too!
Fun Run &
Drink One
Training for that next big 5k? Or maybe you’re scrambling at the last minute to perfect your beach body? Either way, there are tons of runners at the College of Dentistry that would love to give you the extra motivation you need to get fit! Fun Run & Drink One is just one example of how we’re supporting our members to get fit. Plus, who doesn’t love smoothies?
Winter Basketball Tournament
Are your handskills as strong outside of the clinic as they are in someone’s mouth? Prove it in our annual ASDA winter basketball tournament! Teams of five try to dribble, dive, and dunk over the competition! Check out the action below!
Clear your Mind
Stretch your Limbs
Become a Yogi!
The benefits of yoga are well documented. Many of our members enjoy going to group yoga classes across all skill levels. We even have some former yoga instructors in our ranks! Yoga, as well as meditation, are a great way to build strength, flexibility, and confidence. Many of our members find its helpful before or after practicals to ease the mind!
ASDA Wellness Challenges
ASDA’s monthly Wellness Challenges ask you to change your behavior in a way that will positively affect your wellness. Each challenge varies in length and activity, but the goal is the same: to get you paying more attention to your well-being and developing good wellness habits. Each challenge will target one (or more) of ASDA’s five dimensions of wellness: emotional, physical, intellectual, occupational and environmental.
Each month, we’ll preview a new challenge in Word of Mouth. You can sign on to the challenge on ASDA’s Facebook page and play along with your fellow students. Choose your own start date, and then let us know if you successfully completed that month’s challenge.