
Here we will post about our events throughout the year! It will be helpful to keep everyone in the loop about what we are doing and how you can get involved in that event.


Spring Semester:

  • RUOK? DAY: Our biggest event of the year, on March 6th from 3-7pm, we bring together resources from around OSU’s campus and Columbus to hold a day of fun and education revolving around mental health and suicide prevention. There is free food, resources, therapy dogs, music, and a TON of fun! Volunteer with us at the event or come out and  experience it all!
  • REACH 5K: Our sister organization, PROs, puts on this 5k to help support suicide prevention in April every year! We help to table at the event and support their efforts, as well as get some much needed exercise after winter is finally over. 


Autumn Semester:

  • The S Word: An event hosted by Mental Health America Franklin County (MHAFC) and held by OSU Suicide Prevention Program (OSUSPP), a free documentary screening and panel discussion aiming to break the silence around suicide and encourage productive dialogue that can help save lives. If you are interested contact us and we can send you the link to register! Our general club members will be in attendance, and would love to see you there!
  • Project Semicolon: In honor of National Suicide Prevention Day, on September 10th we follow the tradition of giving out semicolon temporary tattoos and positive messages to remind those in our community how strong they are and that they are never alone, even when it may feel that way. This day is a reminder to have the conversation about mental health and to continue stopping the spread of stigma. 
  • Recess: This event is held in October each year and consists of several organizations joining together to provide a fun, relaxing space in the middle of campus for students to de-stress. This event runs all day and includes snacks, games, and lots of students orgs to interact with! This year’s event will be held on Wednesday, October 3rd from 11-3 p.m. Feel free to stop by or sign up to help us out!
  • Out of the Darkness Walk: A walk held by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) that draws thousands of participants each year. The walk is held in cities all over the country and raises money and awareness to help prevent suicide. This year’s walk is on October 7th at Alum Creek State Park, and we will be carpooling from campus in groups if needed. 
  • Survivor’s Luminary: Held by BCAS every November to recognize those affected by suicide: that is, anyone who has been personally affected or is close with someone who is. We set up luminary lights (candles in paper bags) and gather as a community to support one another.
  • Movember: Every November, we join together wit other mental health groups on campus to recognize Men’s Mental Health month. Such a huge part of our organization is dedicated to eliminating the stigma around mental health; men’s mental health is one of the most stigmatized groups, and men are much less likely to eek care when they need it. Because of this, during Movember we help stage mental health events focused on men!