
Bucket and Dipper is the second oldest honorary at Ohio State University, founded in 1907. Originally founded as an all-male honorary, Bucket and Dipper has now grown to 30 members, both male and female. Members are chosen in the spring semester of their sophomore year based on their displays of leadership, scholarship, and service. Bucket and Dipper works to foster friendship and love for Ohio State amongst members, while also serving the greater Columbus area.

Bucket and Dipper is also well known as being the keepers of the beloved Illibuck trophy, along with the honorary Atius-Sachem at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Since 1925, the Illibuck has been awarded to the winner of Illinois – Ohio State football game, with the Illibuck being famously passed on the field to the honorary of the winning school. Check out this article to read more about the history of the Illibuck!