Meet Our Officers

Abbie and her Madagascar hissing cockroach, Wendy


President – Abbie Korn is an entomology major and plant pathology minor at the Ohio State University. She enjoys pinning insects, drawing, and has three Madagascar hissing cockroaches named Wendy, Rosie, and Dorothy.




Our youngest vice president yet 


Vice President – Anne Gill is a biochemistry major. She works in Mary Gardiner’s entomology lab where she feeds spiders. She enjoys rock climbing, hiking, skiing, knitting, and thinks stink bugs smell like cucumbers.



Camden on a collecting trip


Treasurer – Camden Dezse is double majoring in biology and entomology on a pre-med track, with the goal of eventually becoming an orthopedic surgeon or surgical oncologist. He likes to play the guitar, and his favorite insect is the death’s head moth.




Click here to read about our previous officers.