
The Central Ohio Flute Association (COFA) is a student-run organization at The Ohio State University that serves to promote music within the Central Ohio arts community and to provide professional and volunteer services for flutists within Central Ohio and beyond. COFA co-sponsors an annual Flute Festival with The Ohio State University School of Music. Each year, COFA brings in world-renowned flutists to be guest artists at the festival where they present a recital and masterclass. COFA also hosts a national competition annually at the festival where flutists from grade 6 up to the age of 30 can compete in one of four different divisions. This year’s festival will take place on April 5th in the Timashev Family Music Building with Guest artist Allison Loggins-Hull. COFA also sponsors additional events such as master classes, clinics, and ensembles.

To keep up with all COFA events, check back on this website, subscribe to the COFA newsletter, or follow us on social media.

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@ohiostateflutestudio                  @cofa_flute


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