About Us
Project Teams
Community Garden
This team has been working closely with a local garden, Charles Madison Nabrit Memorial Garden, with various tasks that need done. The goal for this project is to create sustainable solutions to combat food insecurity. We will be visiting the garden to help optimize their shed storage area and their collection of rainwater for their production. Furthermore, we will be invested in finding solutions to any other issues that they identify with us. This location will also be where a lot of our volunteering takes place. This team will also create educational videos that revolve around environmental issues. These videos will be tutorials about actions individuals can take to combat climate change, or provide information so they can make conscious decisions.
Creative Living
Creative Living is a housing facility in Columbus for individuals with physical disabilities or are financially disadvantaged. We are partnering with them to help individuals who are paraplegic so they may gain the ability to complete certain actions. We are currently working alongside an individual named Andrew. He has limited grip strength, but he has a passion for rock climbing from before his accident. This project aims to engineer a prototype so that this will again be possible for Andrew.
Carrying Solutions
This project team is partnered with the Columbus Open Shelter and is dedicated to creating a carrying product for those experiencing homelessness so they can carry their belongings in a safe and convenient way. This team is focusing on creating a device that is durable, weather resistant, secure, and easily transported across various terrains.
GoBabyGo is a national movement where teams will work on modifying off-the-shelf children’s cars for kids with disabilities. This will not only provide these children with an experience they would otherwise not have but will also be an opportunity for them to work on fine motor skills at a young age. Each car will be adapted with an individual child in mind to fulfill their specific needs.
About Design for 90
With roots as far back as spring of 2015, Design for 90 is based on the idea that most of the engineering is done for 10% of the world’s population. We are aiming to engineer for the other 90% of people. We were founded by Humanitarian Engineering Students wanting to make a difference at the Heinzerling Foundation. They wanted to create a mobile arm support to better enable an individual to use a spoon. Now she has the ability to feed herself independently – rather than having to rely on someone to feed her.
Today we aim to use the principles of humanitarian engineering and involve the beneficiary of our products in the design process. Not only will we want to provide solutions as we Design for the 90%, but also hope to provide students with valuable experience in practicing the engineering design process and the tenants of Humanitarian Engineering.
We hope to create an inclusive learning community where all our members use and develop their skills acquired in the classroom to serve typically underserved populations in the Central Ohio region and beyond.
If you are interested in collaborating with us for a group or have a project idea contact us at delameter.5@osu.edu. If you are a student and wish to join our student organization, click Get Involved! Our general body meetings for the 2022-2023 school year are on the first Fridays of every month at 5:30 in Smith 3101!