Category Archives: Uncategorized

End of Semester + Summer Activities!

Hello everyone,

Congrats on making it through the semester! Now that finals are over, hopefully you have plenty of time to relax. As you may know, GCC does not host official meetings over the summer, but we will be having plenty of chill events on our Discord (including a Minecraft server)! Feel free to swing by if you ever want to hang out with fellow club members!

Either way, we hope to see you next fall! Take some time off, you’ve earned it!

3/3 Meeting: Concept Jam

Hello Everyone,

This week’s meeting will be held today (3/3), from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM on the Game Creation Club Discord server. It will be an impromptu concept jam that challenges you to design a game in under two hours! We will not actually be creating the game like in game jams but just expanding the planning period for fun and practice, so be prepared to dive into mechanics, flesh out characters, and create songs and art. At the end of the meeting, we’ll be voting on your concepts for some just-for-fun awards, so do your best!

Officer Elections
Campaigning is now open! Becoming an officer is a great opportunity to learn leadership skills and it will look great on your resume, so we hope to see you run!

We are pleased to announce that Multivarious, the host of the GDEX convention and a game development company, is coming to speak in March. As with last semester’s speaker, they’ll be talking about their experience in the game industry and opening the floor up for questions.

Showcase signups
Project showcase signups will be released soon. We’ll set aside some time during meetings to showcase your project, so submit anything that you want to show off! See you there!

See you there!

11/18 Meeting: Asset Jam Showcase

Hello Everyone,

It’s Asset Jam Showcase time! Today’s meeting is from 7 – 8:30 PM EST. We’ll be presenting your submissions in the meeting and discussing them!  The meeting will be open discussion during the presentation so be prepared to talk about your work. Haven’t submitted your project yet? Submit it here to get it presented. If you’re unable to submit the asset before the meeting you can still present it there, but we’ll need the submission to get it online on our website!

See you there!

2/19 Meeting

Hello, everyone!

We’ll be meeting again tomorrow from 7 to 8:30 pm in the Ohio Staters, Inc. Traditions Room. This week, we’re talking all about board and tabletop games, including how elements of them can be (and have already been) incorporated into video games. And don’t worry; we promise we won’t bring Monopoly.

We hope to see you there!