14th Annual Conference: Traditions: A Survey into the Past, Present and Future of German-speaking Cultures

Join us via ZOOM
for the 2022 GGSA
(Germanic Graduate Students Association)

A Survey into the Past, Present and Future
of German-speaking Cultures

Please Send all Abstracts to: contact.ggsa.osu@gmail.com

  • Deadline is January 20th

via ZOOM – invitation and program forthcoming! Exact times each day tba.

Dr. Ruth von Bernuth will give the Keynote Address!
Medieval and Early Modern German Literature, UNC-Chapel Hill
Director, Carolina Center for Jewish Studies

Her recent publications include:

“Chełm in Jewish Folklore,” in Oxford Bibliographies in “Jewish Studies,” ed. Naomi Seidman (New York: Oxford University Press, January 11, 2018.

How the Wise Men Got to Chelm: The Life and Times of a Yiddish Folk Tradition. New York: New York
University Press, 2016.

Zwischen Ereignis und Erzählung: Konversion als Medium der Selbstbeschreibung in Mittelalter und Früher
Neuzeit (with Julia Weitbrecht and Werner Röcke). Berlin: de Gruyter, 2016.