We are so excited to start this school year, reconnect with past members, and meet all of the incoming students! We will be at the involvement fair on the South Oval (8/18), hosting our first meeting on Wednesday (8/21) in Hitchcock 035 at 7pm, and holding a movie night the following Friday (8/30) also in Hitchcock 035 at 7:30pm. For more events and information check out our events tab.
Welcome to your AU18 semester! We are so excited for this school year, and we have so much planned. To kick things off, come find us at the involvement fair on Sunday (8/19), and join us for our first meeting of the semester on Wednesday (8/22)! There are more details on our events tab. See you soon!
Congratulations! The 2017-2018 school year is in the books. Congrats to all graduates, and everyone else who made it through yet another year. We would like to thank everyone who came out to any meetings or events this year. You are what make this club special. We hope you have a fantastic summer, and we will be working very hard to keep improving our club. See you next year, have a magical summer!
Our first meeting of the semester is 1/11 at 7:00pm in Lazenby 034. Club t-shirts are in! If you ordered one, pay us $15 and we will get you your shirt either at a club meeting or at a time convenient to you. Our first movie night is Friday, 1/19, at 7:00pm in Lazenby 021, fill out this poll, https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/T7BVB6W, to help us decide what movie to show. The first club dinner is Sunday at 6:30pm, location TBD. Check twitter or sign up for Remind to learn more. Instructions to sign up for Remind can be found on the home page.
The meeting schedule has been updated for the spring 2018 semester! Head over to the “Meeting Schedule” page to check it out! All announcements on this website will be mentioned in the weekly club email. Stay tuned for additional club news and updates!