Abstract Deadline Extension
We’ve had a number of requests to extend the submission deadline. We are pleased to announce that abstracts are now due by Friday, December 20 at 11:59PM.
The submission process is detailed here!
We’ve had a number of requests to extend the submission deadline. We are pleased to announce that abstracts are now due by Friday, December 20 at 11:59PM.
The submission process is detailed here!
1. We have money for student travel grants
2. Free registration for students and post-docs (and only $100 for faculty and industry professionals)!
3. We will be awarding prizes for the best presentations
4. We will be publishing proceedings articles
5. No SMPC, ICMPC, or ESCOM in 2020
6. You have opportunities to work closely with experts in emotion (J. Vuoskoski), timbre (S. McAdams), corpus studies (D. Shanahan), pedagogy (L. VanHandel), and rhythm & meter (J. London)
7. Workshops on best current and future methodologies in these areas (emotion, timbre, corpus studies, pedagogy, and rhythm & meter)
8. Opportunity to work closely in small groups and meet others in the field
9. Help contribute to open science and public music theory
10. Music science is fun!
Call for papers due Sunday, 12/15! See the link here!
Link with more information here!
December 20, 2019—Abstract submission deadline
January 15, 2019—Registration open
February 15, 2019—Notification of acceptance
April 15, 2020—Registration closed
May 10-14, 2020—Conference!
Each day will be centered around a central theme: corpus studies, emotion, pedagogy, rhythm & meter, and timbre.
The conference aims to connect music & science researchers from undergraduates through faculty.
“Future Directions” is part of the Music & Science Colloquium and Teaching Series (MASCATS), a symposium series at The Ohio State University led by Lindsay Warrenburg, Lindsey Reymore, and Daniel Shanahan.