Interested in becoming involved in research? Check out these resources and tips ↓
- MOLGEN 2220H: Molecular Genetics elective class taught by Dr. Anita Hopper, both autumn and spring semesters. The class includes undergraduate researchers-student panels, research faculty presentations, and representatives of various professions in genetics. Very recommended for students of all biological sciences majors to learn about the genetics field and make connections with professors and faculty.
- OFFICE OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH AND CREATIVE INQUIRY ( Listings of research opportunities for students in various areas of interest. A very useful resource to learn how to get involved in research and get in contact with faculty.
- JOURNAL OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH AT OHIO STATE (JUROS): Not interested in joining the lab? Get involved in editing and publishing research conducted by OSU undergraduate students across all disciplines in the yearly journal.
- OSU MOLECULAR GENETICS DEPARTMENT WEBSITE ( Visit the official molgen department website to view the list of research areas and model organisms to select the one that best fits your interests and explore the faculty who are involved in specific research. Utilize this resource to visit researchers’ lab websites, discover availability, and reach out to the faculty you’re interested in working with.