General meetings of The NeuroLaw Group are roundtable discussions of pertinent topics. They are typically 1-2 hours in duration, and information regarding the topic of each meeting, their time, and their location is disseminated via our mailing list.
For a full list of meeting dates, check out Important Dates.
Past Meeting Topics:
- Computational Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, and Professional Ethics
- Mental Illness & Incarceration
- fMRI, Lie Detection, and the Courtroom
- Juvenile Brain Development, PTSD, & Responsibility
- Football, CTE, and Public Policy
- Admissibility & Forensic Science
- Brain-Computer Interfacing Devices
- Addiction and Public Policy
Future/General Topics:
- Nano-biotechnologies
- Criminal responsibility
- Capacity to stand trial
- Death & consciousness
- Medical bioethics
- Professional responsibility and ethics in research
- Artificial intelligence (AI)
- Brain-computer interfacing devices
- Human-computer interaction (HCI)
- Science policy
- Neuroscience technologies in the courtroom