
For folks who want to have more formal education in how science intersects with society, the legal process, public policy making, etc. 


Bioethics [College of Medicine]

Civic Engagement [College of Public Affairs]

Criminology and Criminal Justice [Department of Sociology]

Global Public Health [College of Public Health]

Health, Environment, Risk, and Science Communication [Department of Communication]

Health and Society [Department of Sociology]

Humanitarian Engineering [Department of Engineering] 

Inequality and Society [Department of Sociology]

Legal Foundations of Society Minor [Department of Political Science]

Media and Society [Department of Communication]

Medical Humanities [Department of English]

Nonprofit Management [College of Public Affairs] 

Political Decision Making [Department of Political Science]

Public Policy [College of Public Affairs]

Science, Engineering, and Public Policy [College of Public Affairs] 

Science and Technology Studies Minor [Department of Comparative Studies]

Substance Misuse & Addiction [College of Social Work]



AEDECON 4320: Energy, the Environment, and the Economy

AEDECON 4597: Population, Food, and the Environment


ANTHROP 3302: Intro to Medical Anthropology

ANTHROP 3305: Intro to Forensic Anthropology

ANTHROP 3340: The Anthropology of Mental Health

ANTHROP 5600: Advanced Medical Anthropology: Evolutionary Medicine

ANTHROP 5601: Advanced Medical Anthropology: Global Perspectives on Women’s Health

ANTHROP 5615: Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Behavior


BSGP 2000: Theory and Foundations of Bioethics

BSGP 2010: Ethics of Biomedical Research

BSGP 3000: Case STudies in Medical and Health Care Ethics

BSGP 4000: Readings in Bioethics


CLASSICS 2204: Medicine in the Ancient World


CMPST 2104: Literature, Science, and Technology

CMPST 2340: Introduction to Cultures of Science and Technology

CMPST 2341: Technology, Science, and Society

CMPSTD 2104: Religion and Environmentalism

CMPSTD 3645: Cultures of Medicine

CMPSTD 3646: Cultures, Natures, Technologies

CMPSTD 4597.01: Global Studies of Science and Technology

CMPSTD 4845: Gender, Sexuality, and Science


COMMUN 3545: Human-Computer Interaction

COMMUN 3554: Social Implications of Communication Technology

COMMUN 4555: Computer Interface and Human Identity

COMMUN 4736: Health Communication in Interpersonal Contexts

COMMUN 4737: Health Communication in Mass Mediated Contexts

COMMUN 4738: Health Communication and New Media


ENGLISH 2277: Introduction to Disability Studies

ENGLISH 3361: Narrative and Medicine

ENGLISH 4410: Directed Experienced in Health Care


ENGR 2362: History of American Technology


ENR 2155: Energy and Environment

ENR 2300: Society and Natural Resources

ENR 3530: WOmen, Environment, and Development

ENR 4000: Environmental and Natural Resources Policy

ENR 4400: Law and Legal Process

ENR 5451: Water Law


GEOG 3597.03: Environmental Citizenship


HDFS 3630: Family Ethics and Policy


HISTORY 2066: History of Medicine in Film

HISTORY 2700: Global Environmental History

HISTORY 2701: History of Technology

HISTORY 2703: History of Public Health, Medicine, and Disease

HISTORY 2705: History of Medicine in Western Society

HISTORY 3700: American Environmental History

HISTORY 3701: History of American Medicine

HISTORY 3711: Science and Society in Early Modern Europe

HISTORY 3712: Science and Society in Modern Europe

HISTORY 3715: Science, Technology, and the Environment in East Asia


INTSTDS: 4703: Science, Technology, and US National Security


PHILOS 2342: Environmental Ethics

PHILOS 2860: Science and Religion

PHILOS 3300: Moral Philosophy

PHILOS 3650: Philosophy of Science

PHILOS 3680: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Biology

PHILOS 5650: Advanced Philosophy of Science


PHYSICS 2367: Using Science in Solving Problems of Society


POLITSC 4164: Political Participation and Voting Behavior

POLITSC 4165: The Mass Media and American Politics


PSYCH 2311: Psychology of Motivation

PSYCH 3375: Stereotyping and Prejudice

PSYCH 4320: Psychological Science of Addiction

PSYCH 4485: Psychology and the Law

PSYCH 4505: History of Psychology

PSYCH 4508: Psychology of Judgment and Decision-Making

PSYCH 4531: Health Psychology

PSYCH 4597.01: Contemporary World: Aging, Health, and Psychological Foundation of Functioning in the Modern World

PSYCH 5620: Technology, Efficiency, and Happiness

PSYCH 5684: Psychology of Delinquency

PSYCH 5870: Neuroeconomics and Decision Neuroscience


PUBAFR 5600: Science, Engineering and Public Policy

PUBAFR 5610: Innovation, Policy, and the Global Economy

PUBAFR 5800: US Food Policy


PUBHEHS 3310: Current Issues in Global Environmental Health


PUBHHBP 2010: Intro to Global Public Health

PUBHHBP 3510: Role of Behavior in Public Health


PUBHLTH 5650: United States & International Health Care


RURLSOC 5500: Diffusion of Innovations


SOCIOL 2290: Sociology of Death and Dying

SOCIOL 3302: Technology and Global Society

SOCIOL 3460: Environmental Justice

SOCIOL 3630: Medical Sociology

SOCIOL 5440: Sociology of Global Health and Illness

SOCIOL 5629: Health Disparities in Social Context


SWK 3201: Social and Economic Justice


WGSST 2325: Health and Inequality

WGSST 2326: Women and Addiction: A Feminist Perspective