Community Service


Omega Gamma proudly supports The Suicide Prevention Services of Columbus, Ohio.

★About The Suicide Prevention Services

The Suicide Prevention Services offers support for people of all ages, genders, and races who are struggling with any aspect of suicide. This includes having suicidal thoughts, recovering from suicidal actions, and healing for those who have been impacted by a suicidal person. The services provided involve 24 hour hotline support, group education, medical consultations, and more.

★Why We Support Them

OG believes mental health is a significant part to every person’s well-being. It affects a person’s behaviors, thought processes, and general outlook on life. Sometimes, mental health is completely out of our control and requires deeper attention than simply getting a hug from a friend or loved one. In these cases, it is important to have trained professionals to reach out to and discuss better methods for improving mental health. Everyone deserves to be happy, to not feel alone, and to have the resources to get there.


Additional Service Involvement

★Clean Up Columbus

★Mental Health Fundraiser/Walk

★Bake Sale Fundraiser

★MLK Day of Service

Logging Hours