Brothers for Life is one of Phi Delta Chi’s core values, and it is what draws many Brothers to join PDC. Brothers are just that: family, a home away from home, a way to connect with people before you’ve even met them. This support extends to even after pharmacy school, as Alumni Brothers! PDC is a great way to network with pharmacists from all across the nation.

Nearly 1 in 12 pharmacists is a Brother of PDC!

What does Xi chapter do to embody this value?

  • We hold monthly family dinners, open to Brothers, Alumni Brothers and Candidates. This allows us to all get together, enjoy each others’ company and catch up with Brothers who we haven’t seen in a while!
  • We also hold monthly social events. These events are focused more around an activity (such as golf, bowling, or game and movie nights), and they allow us to spend time together and have fun!
  • Every year, we hold a retreat in the summer! In the past, we have rented a cabin in Hocking Hills. Not only do we have fun with our Brothers by doing bonding activities, we reflect on the year and plan how we can improve.
  • Grand Council and the Leader-Development Seminar (LDS) are two national conferences, and they are held every other year (alternating years). They are a great way to meet and make friends with Brothers from other chapters, network, and learn more about the fraternity and yourself. Brothers have incredible experiences at these conferences.
  • Regional Conferences: if you can’t make it to a national conference, there is always the regional conference! It allows you to have a similar experiences to Grand Council and LDS, but much closer to home! Regional Conferences are held in the spring of every even-numbered year.
  • During the candidacy process, every Candidate receives a Big: a Brother who is already established and someone who can act as a mentor to them. Bigs and Littles share a special bond (we’re all Brothers, of course, but Bigs and Littles are especially close)! Having a Big is a great way to know someone outside of your class (or if you’re in undergrad, someone in pharmacy school)! Plus, it’s really fun to trace your “lineage” all of the way back to our re-founders and see who you’re “related to.”
  • The very first chapter of PDC is Alpha Chapter, which is located in Michigan! Because it is just a day’s driveĀ away, every year a group of Brothers makes a trip to participate in the events! It is a great way to learn about the history of PDC, meet Brothers from other chapters, and bond with them as we explore and experience Ann Arbor, Michigan! Who explains it better than Alpha Chapter themselves? Here is their page about it.
  • Xi Chapter loves to celebrate the achievements of our Brothers. Every year, at the end of spring semester, we hold a banquet for our graduating Brothers, PharmD and undergraduate alike. It is bittersweet to see our Brothers move on to the next phase of their lives, but they are always welcome to visit us when they are nearby. After all, we are Brothers for Life.