About Running Club

The Running Club at OSU is a student organization that strives to provide an environment conducive to those who love running. We welcome all levels of experience and engagement.

In the fall, find us at the Ohio Union (West Plaza, D-Tix counter in case of bad weather) Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5:30 and join us Tuesdays and Thursdays for our workouts (check weekly newsletter for time and location). We run mileage on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Tuesdays and Thursdays are workout days! If you have any questions once there, one of our officers will be able to help you.
(Note that these are new times/locations after the spring time change.)

If you need to contact someone from the Club, but can’t come to practice, please feel free to email us at osu.running.club@gmail.com. We will respond promptly with an answer.

Register for Running Club here

Meet Our Officers

President: Evan Porter

Vice President of Racing: Caleb Cummings

Treasurer: Luck Evankovich

Racing Committee:

Sprint Captains: Andrew Garda and Jessica Wrenn

Middle Distance Captain: Michael Jorgenson

Long Distance Captain: Sarah Strunck

Race Logistics Manager: Elizabeth Judy

Social Committee:

Apparel Chair: Riley Griffith

Social Events Chairs: Paige Archinal and Matt Gust

Social Media Manager: Abby Lenz