Frequently Asked Questions

Why are there dues?

Dues pay for a lot of what we do as a club. Here’s a break down of what the memberships help pay for.

Social, as a social member you help pay for and are given

  • A t-shirt

  • Access to any social events, including girls/guys nights, Pasta Dinners, Little Darby Corn Maze, Laser tag, and all other social gatherings

Competitive, as a competitive member you help pay for and are given

  • Everything included in the social membership

  • Participation in meets (xc or track depending on the season)

  • Subsidized jersey and hotel costs (members do not pay the whole price because the club pays for some too)

*All members are welcome to any practices, workouts, or lifting sessions.

Can I still be in Running Club if I can’t come to practice?

Yes, practice is a good way to make friends, but you are not required to come to be in the club! Everything is optional, so you can do what works for you.

If I only want to compete in track can I join in the fall?

Yes! We have a membership option just for people like you and welcome you to join in the fall. If you’re a runner, you can join the team for runs, or if you’re a sprinter, you can join the sprinters for their workouts. You can contact sprint captain Jess Wrenn or Jason Keith or check in the newsletter for more information about when and where to meet the sprinters!

Do I need a jersey to compete?

No. While our jerseys make us look really cool, they are not necessary to compete in our races.