Lauren Moliterno
Lauren Moliterno is an aspiring comedy writer who thinks she’s funny. She currently studies Creative Writing and Film Studies at THE Ohio State University and is looking forward to desperately searching for a job (not as a teacher, but thanks for asking). However, Lauren does not heavily enjoy reading and often wonders if she would even read her own novel, if she one day stops procrastinating long enough to write one. Lauren has various hobbies, like studying for tests by obsessively watching various stand up and impov sets online, ascending and descending via spiral staircase, and buying laptop stickers five at a time.
Lauren’s various skills include: writing analytical essays on books that she has not read, giving presentations on books that she has not finished, convincing optometrists that she needs glasses (despite her impressive 20/20 vision) just so she could change up her look, tripping on stationary rugs, smashing her hand into ceilings, and overestimating the amount of time that an automatic door will stay open before it shuts on her.
Occasionally, she makes shorter funnies on the interwebs:
- Twitter: @moliturnup
- Instagram: @lauren_mol
- SnapChat: laurengotswag
- Email:
- Facebook: yes
- Vine: not anymore 🙁
- AIM: sillyLAUREN13