Hello everyone,

     I know we recently sent out an email to all of you that had red markings warning you of clicking on the links. This was an error, and we are working on it with IT Services and the University. I apologize for the confusion.
     In other news, we have a lot of updates, so please make sure to read through this (somewhat) lengthy post.
P1 Liaison
Our Executive Board is currently accepting applications for the P1 Liaison position. Please visit our application for more information, and how to apply:
Our membership drive is going strong, and if you have not registered for our Chapter and National Membership, now is the time to do so! Chapter dues this year are $20 (we are accepting checks made out to CPNP-OSU, or @CPNPOSU for Venmo). And National dues are$35 through credit card only and will be collected when you register on the National website.
As a reminder, you are required to register through our Chapter using the following link: https://goo.gl/forms/rKIXOEotpoDaNvU03
And also, through CPNP National using the following link: https://cpnp.org/member/join
Please forward the email confirmation from CPNP National to huang.933@osu.edu.
Mugs and Shirts for Sale
We will continue selling our CPNP Student athletic shirts and mugs this coming week during professional hour.
Shirts are $18.
Mugs are $12 for CPNP-OSU members, and $15 for non-members.
Also, you can sign up for membership to bundle a shirt and mug together for $28!
CHS Opportunities!
We still have plenty of openings for our CHS opportunities this semester. Please visit the links below for more information and keep an eye out for updates.
Southeast Healthcare Naloxone Training
Southeast Healthcare Flu Shot Clinic
Helping Hands
PEER Center Topic Discussions
PD Opportunities
We are happy to offer the Living with Epilepsy Conference as a PD opportunity again this year. It is held at Nationwide Children’s Hospital on 11/4/7 and is a wonderful experience where people living with epilepsy, their caregivers and friends, along with professionals in the field of neurology are encouraged to learn about the latest treatments and trends in epilepsy.

As always, we want YOUR ideas! Share your passion with us!

Best wishes,

Your Executive Board

College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists (CPNP) The Ohio State University Chapter
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