For those of you who may not know, Movember, also known as No-Shave-November, is an event that happens through the month of November every year to help raise awareness of multiple men’s health issues both physical and mental. This can include mental health, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer. This year Movember is especially important due to the monumental impacts of COVID-19. Not only does long-term isolation heavily impact ones mental health status, but there are also many new barriers patients are experiencing with treatments and appointments. This unique event involves advocates growing out their facial hair, especially mustaches, to help raise awareness! For more information on this event please visit:
This year, due to COVID-19 related restrictions, we will be hosting a Movember Fundraiser on November 23rd at 6 pm! This will be a virtual event on Zoom, the link and meeting details are included below. We will be playing games to help spread awareness and are asking for participants to donate whatever they can. Whether this be $2-3, anything is appreciated and will be donated to the cause. This event is open everyone, you do not have to be a CPNP member to participate.
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 937 7325 1961
Passcode: 516894