Congratulations to our latest student spotlight, Jim Bradcovich! Jim is graduating in just a few weeks with the OSU Chemical Engineering Class of 2021. He has been an active member of AIChE throughout his undergraduate career, and he is also a part of the Buckeye Gaming Collective.

Outside of class, Jim interned with Chemical Abstract Services (CAS) in Columbus as a Data Science intern in 2018. Additionally, he is a part of Dr. Lin’s Computational Material Discovery Group, which aims to discover energy-efficient nanoporous materials using molecular simulations. His research is focused on the use of nanoporous materials for methane storage and atmospheric water harvesting.

Outside of school and work, Jim enjoys exploring downtown Columbus with friends, watching TV shows, and playing videogames. And as a closing note, he’d like to tell everyone “Go Bucks!” Congratulations again, Jim, and best of luck with graduation and beyond!