2/23/2021 – BYOB Socializer and Trivia

Remember the good old days when we could go to Oldsfields for trivia night? Well now you can do that from the comfort of your home during break! Just join the zoom meeting with your favorite drink to enjoy and for the first hour participate in a Kahoot game about random trivia. At the end, the top five members will receive gift cards. After the trivia game, members can stick around to socialize with each other.

New YouTube Channel!

Over the winter of 2020, our organization created a YouTube channel, with specific introductory videos for the first chemical engineering class at Ohio State, CBE 2200.

The driving force for these videos was having others students help students learn! These first videos help guide new students as to where the material they are learning will reappear in CBE 2200, future courses at Ohio State, and possibilities in their career!