4/8/2022: Oldfield’s Fundraiser
Students met up at Oldfield’s to play trivia and buy food and drinks to raise money for the organization!
Students met up at Oldfield’s to play trivia and buy food and drinks to raise money for the organization!
Students got to talk to Dr. Ozkan and Dr. Reategui with breakfast items in CBEC 267!
Undergraduate students got to talk to alumni students for advice on Zoom!
Come to this virtual info session to learn about Abbott on September 8th, 7pm!
Link: https://osu.zoom.us/j/97238194845?pwd=a0lXWG1vQ0hLSTg2TldZb21KbVlsUT09
Come to this virtual info session to learn about Avery-Dennison on September 7th, 6:30pm!
Link: https://osu.zoom.us/j/99015705446?pwd=a0Z4VEZvcDJLNEw1VkhkNm9Rc2t2UT09
Join us in CBEC 110/120 on Tuesday, August 31st at 6:30pm to learn about AIChE and what we are doing this semester!