Michael Tomechko
Graduation Date: December 2024
Hometown: Akron, OH
Email: tomechko.7@osu.edu
Hello! My name is Michael Tomechko, and I am a fourth-year student serving as the Treasurer this year! As the Treasurer, I keep a close record of the organization’s funds and expenses, handle purchasing and reimbursements, create our yearly budget, and organize our plans and budget for the yearly National Conference!
My Experiences
Outside of my classroom experiences, I also did a seven month co-op at Nexceris, where I got the opportunity to manage six bench/pilot scale reactors evaluating various catalysts for several sustainability-related applications. I’m very grateful for the experiences that Nexceris offered me all throughout the catalyst research and development lifecycle! In previous summers, I also did research in Dr. Zhai’s lab, working on synthesizing and characterizing catalysts for chemical looping, and had an internship at Bridgestone’s Materials Testing Lab.
My Hobbies
Outside of class/AIChE, I enjoy running and playing tennis, listening to audiobooks, learning the piano, and watching movies with my friends!
Contact Michael for any questions and general feedback! He is always willing to discuss his different experiences as an OSU ChemE and offer any advice that may be helpful.