
K-12 Outreach
Our students assist local intermediate school teachers at the Graham Elementary & Middle School (GEMS) in various classroom tasks, ranging from helping students on their math worksheets to being another ear to listen to the kid’s stories!
E-Council Opportunities
Volunteer for events on campus and earn funding for Ohio State AIChE! All money raised will help pay for food, event spaces, networking opportunities, company visits, and many other events our chapter hosts.

Habit for Humanity
Volunteering at Habitat for Humanity in Columbus, our students help the organization in building local housing as well as whatever projects they need extra hands to work on.

Columbus Marathon
Every year the Nationwide Children’s hospital hosts the Columbus Marathon in the beautiful city of Columbus. Volunteers are placed along the Columbus marathon route to direct and cheer on the runners!

If you have any additional questions or volunteering opportunities, please contact aicheohiostate@gmail.com.