The American Student Dental Association is a national student-run organization that protects and advances the rights, interests, and welfare of students pursuing careers in dentistry. It introduces students to lifelong involvement in organized dentistry and provides services, information, education, representation and advocacy.

Greetings from Our President
Hello and welcome to The Ohio State University College of Dentistry American Student Dental Association (ASDA) webpage! OSU ASDA is a local chapter of National ASDA, an organization which represents over 90% of dental students nationwide. In taking on this role as your President for 2024, I have often been asked the question, what is ASDA? I want to answer this question with confidence in the organization and what it stands for.
I began my journey with ASDA in 2022, when I joined Ohio State ASDA as a D1 and my love for the profession started to grow. Ever since attending my first ASDA conference in Cincinnati, OH, I have developed such an appreciation for organized dentistry and all the important work ASDA does for us as dental students. Having this passion for ASDA made running for President an easy decision for me. My goal for myself, and to all of you, is to educate on the role of ASDA and the role we can have in organized dentistry together. An organization is only as strong as its members, and together we can make our voice in the profession heard and create changes for the better.
What is organized dentistry? Organized dentistry and ASDA will protect our profession and education for years to come. It is people coming together that all want to have a positive influence in the dental world with a vision for better oral care across the nation. It is dentists and legislators advocating for the betterment of our dental community and care for all. Being a part of the organization early, will set you up to develop relationships that will further you in your profession.
With the ever-changing world we have been living in, it has been our goal to keep our members as engaged as possible. While to some members this may be through our on-campus Lunch and Learns, Dinner and Learns, Socials, Advocacy events, Community Outreach events, etc., and to others the opportunity to travel to conferences all across the nation. Either way, it is important that our members stay engaged and continue to advocate for our dental profession. Our numerous events allow our members to develop a valuable set of skills that they will be able to carry with them throughout their professional career. One of the most important skills our members develop is leadership, and what it means to be a leader. By participating in our local events/conferences or attending national conferences like National ADA and Student Lobby Day, you will have countless opportunities to speak with current leaders in the world of dentistry. This will not only give you the knowledge of the current state of the dental profession but will also give you confidence and skills necessary to create change and advocate for our profession. We also make sure to have some fun along the way, and create memories that will last a lifetime.
Keep learning, keep growing, and stay involved in the things that you are passionate about! Dental school and dentistry can be a long journey, but having organizations such as ASDA and the ADA are great support systems that can back you throughout your dental career.
Matthew Fazio