February 2021 Updates

Compost Tea

  • Started putting together our educational video series for the community garden.
    • Compost 101 video that explains the what, when, where, why, who of compost, and the types of compost.
  • Soon we will also be beginning our compost tea efficacy testing.

Think Tank

  • Met with representatives from Clovernook Center for the Blind as well as Nationwide Children’s to discuss two potential projects to take on next year! Now we are working on building out and collecting background information for these projects so next year’s teams can hit the ground running.

Carrying Solutions

  • Our concept screening and scoring revealed that we need to focus more on increasing our ability to traverse tough terrain and to lower cost/difficulty in production. Therefore, we have been focusing on a few new and improved design concepts. We have been working on conceptual designs, including some SolidWorks modeling to vet some of these new design concepts.
  • Have been trying to organize with the Open Shelter to get feedback on our most recent designs from people who are homeless. We are hoping that after this round of critiques from people who are homeless, we will feel confident constructing a prototype of our carrying solution.

Creative Living

  • Creative Living has brainstormed approximately 100 concepts for our rock-climbing assistive device. This past week, we began screening ideas to move forward with for our final design using a decision matrix.

Meeting Reminder

  • See you on Thursdays at 6:00 pm on Microsoft Teams