January 2021 Updates

General Updates

  • Welcome back, everyone!
  • Spring applications are now open.
  • Reminder: All meetings will be hosted on Microsoft Teams. General Body Meetings are at 6pm on Thursdays.
  • Social Media:

Spring Applications

  • Are your Friends Interested in Design for 90?
  • Share this link: https://go.osu.edu/d90-app to anyone interested in applying.
  • Our website https://go.osu.edu/d90 has details under the Get Involved tab.
  • Applications Due Sunday, January 31st, 2021.

Think Tank

  • The goal for Think Tank this semester is to secure one project for next fall hopefully and then identify at least one more potential organization to partner with for next year’s group to contact.

Preschool Solar Panel

  • Last semester we completed calculations for the size of all the necessary components of the solar system (solar panels, batteries, inverter, and charge controller).
  • Now we are working on deciding the type and brand of each component that will make up the final system. We are comparing the types of components to find the ones that will work best for the size and usage patterns of this solar system. We will then look for components that fit within our budget and can be integrated together to make the complete system.
  • By the end of the semester, we hope to finish selecting the components and to be working on designing the structure that will attach the panels to the roof of the preschool.

Carrying Solutions

  • This semester we have picked right back up with where we left off.  We finished creating and performing analysis through a Pairwise Comparison Chart and Concept Screening Matrix.  We are going to be spending the coming weeks gaining a better understanding of what the data means and how we can use it to improve our design(s).  In general, we are going to continue making our design concepts more robust by addressing our lowest scoring categories on our screening matrix.
  • Additionally, we are reaching out to the Open Shelter to seek potential volunteering opportunities for the coming semester.

Creative Living

  • The Creative Living team has completed their Debbie project, for the time being. Our final prototype is shown below.
  • We are currently working with Creative Living to find an individual to test and provide feedback on the design. This week, we are meeting with Andrew to begin our next project with Creative Living involving an assistive rock climbing device

Meeting Reminder

  • See you on Thursdays at 6:00 pm on Microsoft Teams
November 2020 Updates
February 2021 Updates