Past Projects

Dreams on Horseback
Built a shed for an organization that provides horse rides for kids with disabilities

Adapted Spoon
Created an adapted spoon that enables users with little hand control to feed themselves.

Assistive Device for Drinking
Created a device to enable an individual to drink out of a cup with minimal use of the upper body.

Adaptive Remote
Created a universal remote embedded in a pillow to enable children of special needs to control their television.

Swappable Front End
Created a device that expands the capabilities of a traditional wheelchair to broaden its user base

Mobile Arm Support
Created an attachment for a chair to enable an individual with limited arm strength to complete tasks such as typing.

Frequency Tuner
Wrote code to detect sounds from sensorineural hearing loss.

Preschool Solar Panel Design
Created and designed solar panels for a preschool in Guatemala.

Educational Film
This project group aims to create videos to better inform the public about the environment and provide solutions to combat climate change.