Falun Dafa Meditation

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Falun Dafa Practice Group

Our main activities include: Practicing the meditative exercises at the Oval/Ohio Union, reading the main text called Zhuan Falun, and raising awareness of the persecution of practitioner in China. Falun Dafa is a self-cultivation practice and we use the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance as a guide. 

Another goal of ours is to spread awareness regarding the persecution of Falun Dafa in China. 

Come join us at our homepage: go.osu.edu/falundafa



Contact Form: falundafapracticegroup@gmail.com

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Falun Dafa

Falun Dafa, or Falun Gong, is a spiritual practice based on truthfulness (真), compassion (善), and tolerance (忍). The practice stems from Buddhist tradition and is a form of self-cultivation practice for the mind and body.


The main goal is to cultivate one’s character, to strive to raise your moral standard and be a better person. There are 5 simple and gentle meditative exercises: 4 in the standing position and 1 in the sitting position (meditation). Instruction is free and open to all people from young to old.


Falun Dafa originated in China by Mr. Li Hongzhi and has since spread to 80+ countries and translated into 40+ languages

Group exercise site in Guangzhou, China before persecution

The book, Zhuan Falun or 转法轮

Falun Emblem

The Falun Dafa emblem is called the Falun and it translates to “Wheel of Law” in Chinese. It is composed of two primary elements: yin-yang symbols (Taoist) and srivatsa (Buddhist). The word srivatsa, 卍, or Chinese word “wan,” originates from the ancient Indian language Sanskrit. Many cultures around the world use the srivatsa as a symbol of good luck. 

1998 Beijing health survey of 10,000 Falun Dafa practitioners

STOP the Persecution of Falun Dafa in China

Persecution of Falun Dafa

Since 1999,

450,000 – 1 Million Falun Dafa practitioners held in labor camps, prison camps, and other long-term detention facilities at any given time.

40,000 – 65,000 Killed for their organs to fuel China’s organ transplantation business (2006 estimate).

87,000 cases, 4476 deaths from torture from police custody or other forms of persecution

Independent reporting: See the Evidence
David Kilgour: former Canadian Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific
David Matas: renowned human rights lawyer
Ethan Gutmann: investigative journalist, 2017 Nobel Peace Prize nomination 

Share with friends! go.osu.edu/meditationsignup


Purchasing at Tiantibooks https://www.tiantibooks.org/ is optional since you can find the book Zhuan Falun and other audio/video material free to download on https://falundafa.org/ (main website)

Step 1: Contact Us 😀 or if not from Columbus: https://en.falundafa.org/contacts/country/united-states.html
Step 2: Read Zhuan Falun 
Step 3: Learn exercise movements https://en.falundafa.org/falun-dafa-video-audio.html
Step 4: Follow the principles of truthfulness (真), compassion (善), and tolerance (忍)

Faluninfo TV provides documentaries, movies, and other clips on many topics regarding Falun Dafa. Here are some interesting ones

Start Here: https://tv.faluninfo.net/category/falun-gong-essentials/
History behind Falun Dafa (series): https://tv.faluninfo.net/category/now-and-for-the-future/
On the Chinese Communist Party (CCP): https://tv.faluninfo.net/the-ccp-method-documentary/
Tiananmen Protest, 36 people + 12 countries: https://tv.faluninfo.net/the-journey-to-tiananmen-full-movie/
Miss World Canada 2015, Anastasia Lin: https://tv.faluninfo.net/badass-beauty-queen-temp-release/

Land reform (1950 – 1952): Within 3 years of establishing communism in China, the landlord class of 2,000 years of history disappeared. Mao Zedong had peasants rise against landlords in a period of mass killings based on social class where 2 to 5 million people died. The promised redistribution of wealth and land stolen from the rich went to the communist party instead of the peasants. Many were tortured to reveal hidden assets. A period of suppressing counter-revolutionaries added another 1 to 2 million deaths.

Great Leap Forward (1958 – 1962): Mao prohibited private farming and set grain yield quotas to fuel industrialization, many of which were forced to work in steel production. In the commune system, everything was shared including land, animals, and even kitchen utensils. Party-loyal villagers often starved. The Great Chinese Famine brought 36 to 45 million deaths and is considered one of the greatest man-made disasters.

Cultural Revolution (1966 – 1976): This was a period of establishing Maoism and destroying the Four Olds: old customs, old culture, old traditions, and old ideology. A student-led movement known as Red Guards would destroy religious and traditional text, statues, buildings, etc. Red Guards read from the Little Red Book, held many of Mao’s quotes and ideology (350 million printed), and performed struggle sessions that resulted in broken families. Roughly 500,000 to 1 million people died.

In more recent times: Tibetan monks, Uyghurs, Falun Dafa, Tiananmen Square Massacre, Hong Kong, etc

Don’t buy Chinese products: so-called re-education camps use forced labor of prisoners of conscience (Falun Dafa, Uyghurs, Christians, etc)

Sign the Petition: https://www.rejectccp.com/ + https://endccp.com/ + https://fofg.org/act-now/

Inform students from China: Using the full force of state-run media, the Tiananmen Self-Immolation Hoax turned the tide against Falun Dafa after several years of failed campaigns. On January 23, 2001, five actors set themselves on fire and claimed to be practitioners of Falun Dafa. Today, even elementary school textbooks include the self-immolation event. You can view and share the film analysis here

Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance