Dr. May Mergenthaler, The Ohio State University, presents her research on “Conflicted: Elisa Aseva’s Posts and Positions on Race and Racism in Germany”.
Dr. Matthew Johnson, The Ohio State University, presents his research on “Off-Translations: Bertha Pappenheim’s Yiddish-German”.
Marcel Foerster, The Ohio State University, presents his research project “The ‘Greenhorn Gaze’: The Construction of the Indigenous World in German Indianerliteratur“.
Ann-Sophie Roehm, The Ohio State University, presents her paper “On the ‘right’ path? – Analyzing recent breaking news coverage of right-extremist attacks in German media”.
The graduate student panel with Marcel Foerster and Ann-Sophie Roehm answer questions from the audience. Moderator: Ben Beese.
Björn Treber, University of Minnesota, answers a question from Dr. Bob Holub after his talk on “Aesthetics of Placelessness. Spectral reflections and bloody rootlessness in Elfriede Jelinek’s The Children of the Dead” via Zoom. Moderator: Bolin Ai.
Vincent Kancans, University of Minnesota, presents his paper “German Public Television and Cultural Identity: The Legacy of the Public Service Remit”.
Dr. Obenewaa Oduro-Opuni, University of Arizona, presents her keynote-paper “In the Wake: Exposing White German Abolitionist Performativity and the Limits of Empathy”.
Q&A session after Dr. Obenewaa Oduro-Opuni’s talk.