Dear all graduate women students at OSU,
We are excited to announce that the 1st Graduate Women in Economics Research & Networking Forum at OSU will be held on Thursday, April 25th 2024, hosted by the Graduate Women in Economics (GWE). Founded in 2019, GWE has aimed to build a support network for women undertaking graduate studies in economics. This inaugural event will bring together graduate students in economics to foster collaboration, share research insights, and build a supportive network within our community for the first time at OSU.
We welcome and encourage paper submissions on economics and related topics from graduate students in all departments and disciplines. Submitted papers are expected to be presented for 15-20 minutes each, followed by Q&A and insightful discussions. We warmly welcome submissions from all participants, with a particular encouragement for women students in economics to showcase their work.
Please fill out this survey after you read the following guidelines and event features.
Paper Presentation Guidelines:
- Students who would like to submit their research should submit their application by February 15, 2024 (An abstract should be submitted by March 15).
- Each presentation is expected to include preliminary results.
Event Highlights:
The forum aims to be a platform for insightful presentations, academic camaraderie, and networking opportunities. As we delve into diverse subjects within economics, this event is one of our attempts to foster intellectual exchange and promote a sense of community among women in economics.
In addition to the presentation session, we have some exciting opportunities for connection. This includes a special session with a guest speaker who is actively working as an economist to share their professional experience and a chance to hear from this year’s job market candidates in economics about their experiences.
If you are interested in attending or submitting your research, please fill out this survey so that we can get a headcount and prepare food & venue for everyone! Should you have any inquiries or require further clarification, do not hesitate to reach out to Sooa Ahn, the president of GWE, at
We hope you’ll be able to form great connections with your current and future collaborators and mentor economists in GWE!