Support Meeting

In wake of the new norm that is social distancing, we find that it is more important than ever to stay connected, even if remotely. Thus, GWE will be holding a Support Meeting on this first Friday back from Spring break, March 27th at 12pm Eastern via Zoom. There is no set topic of discussion for this meeting, so feel […]

Monthly Meetings

Hello everyone! This is just a reminder that our first monthly research meeting this semester is today 12 – 1 pm in Arps 437. All our monthly meetings are the first Monday of the month at 12 pm, which means our next meeting is scheduled for April 6th. Please contact if you are interested in presenting. Thanks, and see […]

Seminar Speaker Survey

If you would like to meet with our speakers this semester, please fill out our survey to see who is available and sign up!

First Years: Drop By Coffee Break

Hello first years! We are holding a drop by event on October 21st from 2:30-4:30 in the ACEL Conference Room for you! There will be coffee and snacks available for you to take after class, as well as a few representatives from GWIE in case you have questions for us. This is a very informal event so feel free to come […]

Monthly Meeting – September 30

We will be starting our monthly GWIE meetings this coming Monday September 30th from 12 – 1pm in Arps Hall 437. Our subsequent monthly meetings will occur on the first Monday of each month on November 4th and December 6th at the same time and place, so mark your calendars! These monthly meetings are a chance for us to come […]

Speaker: Marta Serra-Garcia

I would like to invite you to join us for lunch with speaker Marta Serra-Garcia, member of CWEP and assistant professor at the University of California San Diego, this Friday September 12th  in the Econ seminar room Aprs Hall 437 from 12pm-1:30pm. She is a theorist with an emphasis on the importance of morals and social norms in economic decision-making. […]

Speaker: Lise Vesterlund

I would like to invite you to join us for lunch with speaker Lise Vesterlund, CSWEP member and professor at the University of Pittsburgh, on March 22nd from 12-1:15 pm in the economics seminar room Arps Hall 437. We will be exchanging experiences and discussing struggles that are pertinent to women in economics PhD programs. If you are interested in […]

Welcome Event with Muriel Niederle

Welcome to Graduate Women in Economics! Come get to know us over coffee and snacks at our upcoming launch event in Arps Hall 457 on April 10th from 2-3:30 pm. We will also have the opportunity to talk to Muriel Niederle. She is coauthor on a famous gender-competitiveness paper with Lise Vesterlund, who we had the privilege to meet a […]