September 4

Meeting Recap 9/4/19


We now have a group chat for the semester! We hope this can be a place to connect with one another, collaborate and share other writing projects, keep up to date on any club events, and overall grow stronger as a community. If you would like to join, you can do so by clicking the link below!


August 28

Meeting Recap 8/28/19


Hello Fellow Writers! We are excited to start off this new year with you all, and enjoyed seeing everyone at our first meeting. We have a lot of fun events planned for the semester, all of which can be seen below:

Fall Semester Events

  • Michelle Herman talk
    • 9/10 (tentatively)
  • Late Night Write
    • 9/20
  • Kafe Kerouac Open Mic
    • 10/16
  • NaNoWriMo Kickoff
    • 10/29
  • Late Night Write #2
    • 11/22
  • Semester Send-Off
    • 12/3

If you have any questions, or want to be added to our email list for future updates, please send us an email at

Happy Writing!

March 6

Meeting Recap for 3/5/19


  • T-Shirt Design Competition! Send you designs to
  • Book Drive all throughout March! If you have any unwanted books, please consider donating at one of our meetings
  • March Madness of Novels! The round of 16 is officially underway. You can vote for your picks at the following link. If you want to compete for a perfect bracket please fill out a copy provided in (physical copies will be available at the undergraduate student lounge in Denney) and turn it in to us by 3/19/19 before the first round officially closes. Good luck!


  • Spring Break in a fantasy world
  • Mass extinction (…from cold?)
  • I can’t feel my fingers
  • Successful scene: exactly 50/50 text & dialogue
February 27

Meeting Notes for 2/26/19


  • March Madness of Novels is coming! If you want to see your favorite novel enter our month-long tournament for supremacy, submit it to
  • We’ll host a book drive every meeting in March. Bring any books you’d like to donate to one of our meetings
  • We’re starting a T-Shirt design contest! If you think you have a could design idea for a Grove logo, submit it to We’ll hold a vote once submissions close and the winner gets a free T-Shirt!


  • Uhh…
  • *sweats* uuhh.
  • Nyuuhh…
February 20

Meeting of 2/19/19


  • Our second late night writing session is THIS FRIDAY! Come join us from 8PM to midnight for another late night session to write with some good late-night vibes. Snacks will be provided.
  • Upcoming in March:
    • Logo Design contest: want to design a new logo for the Grove, and possibly see it on a T-Shirt/Button? All of our members are encouraged to design a new logo design for the Grove, and the most popular design will be on merchandise by the end of the year. Submissions go to
    • March Madness of Novels: We will be designing a bracket of the best of the best novels to see who will come out on top. Submit your choice to Brackets start in 2 weeks and whoever has a perfect bracket by the end may win a prize.
    • Book Drive: Throughout March we will be collecting books to donate to charity. If you have books that you no longer want, come donate them at one of our meetings!


  • You are elected as the 100th President of the United States. When you move into the White House, you stumble into a secret room where you meet the preserved heads of the Founding Fathers. Preserved George Washington looks at you and says: “Congratulations, you are the final President.”
  • Take two characters from any work of fiction and put ’em on a date.