About: What is “The Grove?”
The Grove Creative Writing Community is a coalition of students from OSU who are dedicated to or interested in writing. Each member is encouraged to pursue projects in their unique style and form, whether it be fiction, nonfiction prose, poetry, lyrics, screenwriting, or another mode. Meetings begin with forty-five minutes dedicated to writing; members can choose to begin a new piece (prompts are offered) or work on a previous project. In the latter forty-five minutes, we divide into small groups and consult on the content produced. Members choose what they’re comfortable sharing, commentary they welcome from others, and insight they provide. Grove thus offers opportunities for production, revision, and discussion, the individual writer choosing what aspects of the meeting they use to advance their work. Every meeting is, essentially, a miniature workshop.
Grove membership is open to any student – undergraduate or graduate, all majors, and all experience levels of authorship. We also accept writers in every genre and advocate experimentation with breadth. Attendance is not taken, so members aren’t punished for missing meetings. There are no dues necessary, although there may be events outside of our regular meeting schedule which require members to purchase tickets (this includes local poetry readings and plays, for example). Grove also promotes members to participate in English-department courses/events on campus and writing-community activities in the Columbus area. This exposes young writers to multiple outlets for experience and involvement while strengthening the greater English community.
Our meetings are held on Tuesdays at 7:00-8:30pm, Denney Hall Room 311. You’re welcome to arrive late if the time isn’t convenient for you, as the beginning portion of the meeting is for writing. The structure isn’t formal, and we understand if members can’t attend all of (or every) meeting, but we always welcome new attendees! If there are any additional questions about meetings, events, or otherwise, please email Troy Ellison at ellison.1605@buckeyemail.osu.edu.