MORE Summer Practices!

Sunday summer practices are now on! JLS will host practices on Sundays through 8/15 (no practice 7/3, for Fourth of July weekend) at Worthington Community Center. There is a one-time $60 charge to cover facility fees (cash preferred).

To reiterate, the full line-up of summer practices is as follows:

Thursdays (OSU) starting May 19th:
7:00pm – 9:00pm   @ RPAC MPR#4 East
Come to this one if you’re new!

Saturdays (Miami Valley):
1:00pm – 3:00pm   @ 2028 Harshman Rd, Dayton, OH 45424
6:30pm – 8:00pm   @ Ohio Sports Plus, 4140 Tuller Rd #118, Dublin, OH 43017

Sundays (JLS):
1:00pm – 3:00pm @ Worthington Community Center North Gym, 345 E. Wilson Bridge Rd. Worthington, OH 43085
$60 fee for entire summer, cash preferred

We hope to see you there!