Fall Practice Schedule (no Labor Day weekend)

Welcome back to campus! Our fall practice schedule will be:

  • Wednesdays, 8:30pm – 10:30pm
  • Sundays, 10:00am – 12:00pm (note that there is NO practice on Labor Day weekend)

Both practices are located in RPAC – Multipurpose Room #5 (MPR5 / Room A200). There are two ways to get into MPR5:

  • Take the Scarlet Walkway from the top of the RPAC. The room will be on the right.
  • You can also enter PAES (Physical Activity Educational Services) from the east and take the stairs up. The room will be on the left.

Looking forward to seeing all of you there!

MORE Summer Practices!

Sunday summer practices are now on! JLS will host practices on Sundays through 8/15 (no practice 7/3, for Fourth of July weekend) at Worthington Community Center. There is a one-time $60 charge to cover facility fees (cash preferred).

To reiterate, the full line-up of summer practices is as follows:

Thursdays (OSU) starting May 19th:
7:00pm – 9:00pm   @ RPAC MPR#4 East
Come to this one if you’re new!

Saturdays (Miami Valley):
1:00pm – 3:00pm   @ 2028 Harshman Rd, Dayton, OH 45424
6:30pm – 8:00pm   @ Ohio Sports Plus, 4140 Tuller Rd #118, Dublin, OH 43017

Sundays (JLS):
1:00pm – 3:00pm @ Worthington Community Center North Gym, 345 E. Wilson Bridge Rd. Worthington, OH 43085
$60 fee for entire summer, cash preferred

We hope to see you there!

Summer Practice Schedule

Trapped in Columbus this summer? OSU and other Kendo clubs are hosting the following summer practices:

Thursdays (OSU) starting May 19th:
7:00pm – 9:00pm   @ RPAC MPR#4 East
Come to this one if you’re new!

Saturdays (Miami Valley):
1:00pm – 3:00pm   @ 2028 Harshman Rd, Dayton, OH 45424
6:30pm – 8:00pm   @ 4140 Tuller Rd #118, Dublin, OH 43017

Sundays (JLS):
Nothing right now – but check back as that may change!

Feel free to join any or all practices. Also, if you let us know ahead of time, we can arrange carpooling.