The following links are to online kendo equipment retailers that our club recommends. Make sure to check them out if you are looking to buy new shinai, dogi, bogu, or accessories.




All Japan Budogu


To register (or renew) for the All United States Kendo Federation (AUSKF) and East Central United States Kendo Federation (ECUSKF) please visit the AUSKF homepage. If this is your first time getting an AUSKF ID please talk with someone at the club before registering on your own.

AUSKF Homepage


To see a listing of local dojos visit the ECUSKF website.

ECUSKF Homepage


For examples of good kata check out the reference videos below.

Bokuto Ni Yoru Kendo Kihon Waza Keiko Ho (木刀による剣道基本技稽古法)

Nihon Kendo Kata (日本剣道形)