Since our last bake sale did so well KHSA will be hosting another one! Please come and support our organization and try some Nom Paos if you haven’t before because when you unwrap the bun and get an itty-bitty taste you’re like “What’s this round thing in my face?” you get sprung! Our event will be on Valentine’s day so please get a bun for a loved one! Nom Pao Buns are $4 ea. all proceeds are going to support our Khmer New Year event in April!
Pre-order sales will last until Feb. 11th!
Link for the preorders: https://docs.google.com/
We take cash, venmo, and credit cards!
A special thanks once again to Tieda and her grandmother for the homemade buns!
PC & Nom Pao Creds: Tieda Ven Choeun