Khmer New Year 2018 @ tOSU!

Thank you once again to everyone that joined in our Khmer New Year’s event April 7th! We were happy to share our culture with you all!

Special thanks to the people that put this event together:

– Volunteers
– Sponsors
– Performers
– Vendors
– DJs
– Legacies of War

– Our event committees:
Malina Hay – Logistics
Jessica Va – Logistics & Hospitality
Tieda Choeun – Entertainment
Tony Sam – Finance
Khunnal Khuon – Finance
Sokchea Som -Finance
Tanaka Nhong – Finance
Melinda Dang – Marketing
Carolyn Tran – Marketing

We appreciate each and everyone of you for helping us put together this event to showcase Khmer culture!

Pictures of the event: Link


Khmer New Year Donations!

KHSA is proud announce that we’re pledging to donate in total $1,500.00 from the contributions from our sponsors, our t-shirt sales, and food sales from for our Khmer New Year event.

$1000.00 of this donation will be going towards the Healthy Asian Youth (HAY) an after school and summer program that recognizes the educational needs of underserved students in grades K-12.

$500.00 will be used to start a scholarship eligible for high school senior students of Khmer descent with the intention of attending secondary education. This scholarship was envisioned by Tanaka Nhong to commemorate Vannara Ryu Man. More information for the scholarship to come.

With your contribution, donations will go toward The Khmer Student Associations Philanthropy where we advocate to making a difference in the Khmer community. With your help and generous service, the Khmer Student Association can enable more Khmer kids through self identity and self empowerment. So with that being said, you have the power. Help us be the change you want to see.


Thank you to the Midwest Asian America Students Union for letting us join in their closing ceremony on March 24th! Our dance team had the opportunity to perform a traditional Apsara dance in front of so many of our APIDA peers. Also a shout out to Tanaka Nhong for his vocal performance, it was AMAZING! 🇰🇭

If you want to see us perform please come join us at our Khmer New Year event at the Ohio State University on April 7th!  More info @

FB Event Page:

The Khmer Student Association at the Ohio State University Executive Board 2018-2019 Applications

Executive board position applications for 2018-2019 are open from now until March 30th, 2018. Elections will be held on April 4th, during our general body meeting.

We’re at the final lap of this semester and are looking for candidates to run for office for the next academic year! Applications are open until March 31st, 2018. Those who apply will have a chance to voice your run for office to members on April 20th (our next GMB), and during our butter pan night (Date TBD: a date between March 25th – 31st).

There is an option to run for multiple positions so please check all that you’re interested in. Voters will consist of our general members & current executive board officers.

Senior officer positions must be filled. Junior officer positions are optional to be filled (give and take with the amount of members that are currently in our organization) if those positions aren’t filled it is the duty of the current senior offices to work together to fill those missing roles.

Current Executive Board of 2017-2018:

Senior Officers:
Malina Hay – President
Jessica Va – Vice President
Tony Sam – Treasurer

Junior Officer:
Tieda Choeun – Culture Lead

Executive Board of 2018-2019:

Senior Officers:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer

Junior Officers:

  • Culture Lead
  • Outreach Lead
  • Professional Development Lead


The Khmer Student Association – Constitution Update

Recently the Khmer Student Association made some changes to our constitution. In summary the main differences are the current executive board positions:


Senior Officers shall be:

  • President:
    • The role of President is to create a vision with measurable goals that enables the organization to thrive with its three core values of Culture, Outreach, & Professional Development. Other than serving as the highest representation and spokesperson of the organization, the President must actively lead its other Officers, Team Leaders, General Members, and the overall community to a higher standard of understanding, culture enrichment, and excellence.
  • Vice President (Secretary):
    • The role of Vice President (Secretary) is to ensure all organizational activities are recorded, presented, and assembled in a comprehensive manner. This may include archiving works concerning the organization.
  • Treasurer:
    • The role of Treasurer is to manage the treasury and financial logistics by accounting for all financial activity. Accounting for financial activity includes checking financial statements, gathering and archiving physical receipts, managing payment and reimbursement for organizational activities, completing required paperwork, and apply for funding on a semiannual basis.

Junior Officers shall be:

  • Culture Lead:
  • Outreach Lead:
  • Professional Development Lead:

Another change is also the rebranding of our 3 ‘Core Values’:

  • Culture – Culture
  • Community – Outreach
  • Competency – Professional Development

KHNY’18 T-Shirt Sales

KHNY 2018 T-Shirt:

The text translates: The Khmer Students Association
The text translates to: Khmer Students Association



Our very own Co-President External, Jessica Va, made this beautiful design. The shirts are $20 each. Pre-ordering for shirts starts NOW and will end Tuesday, March 20th at 11:59 pm. Pre-Order sizes include (S, M, L, XL), we will be accepting Venmo payments for pre-orders only. We will also be selling shirts at our event but pre-ordering will guarantee that you get a shirt! Shirts can be picked up during our Khmer New Year event at Curl Hall! Please be sure to fill out the form below!

Blaze Fundraiser April 3rd, 2018

Thank you to Sokchea Som (Co-Chair, KHNY’18 Finance team) for putting together a fundraiser with Blaze Pizza to help support our Khmer New Year Event on April 7th! So gather your family, friends, roommates and strangers to dine in at Blaze Pizza! Show the flyer (the attached photo) and 20% of the proceeds will go to Khmer New Year ’18 hosted by The Khmer Student Association.  Gather your family, friends, roommates and strangers to dine in at Blaze Pizza! Show this flyer and 20% of the proceeds will go to Khmer New Year ’18 hosted by The Khmer Student Association.

Date: April 3rd, 2018

Location:  1708 N High St, Columbus, OH 43201-1105, United States

Time: 6-9 P.M.

Facebook Event Page:

Thank you for the support!

សូមអរគុណ – saum arkoun

Thank you to the Columbus Buddhist Community (Wat Samakyserirattanaram) in Grove City (4730 Harrisburg Pike, Grove City, OH 43123) for sponsoring our Lunar New Year event. We will be performing the same performances from OSU KHNY at the temple on Sunday, April 15th, as well as having an info booth! Hope to see you all there!

Marketing Head, Carolyn Tran 🇰🇭


T-Shirts for Khmer New Year Finalized! Pre-order form is up!

The text translates: The Khmer Students Association

KHNY’18 is only 1 month away and we got a bunch of information on our shirts! Our very own Co-President External, Jessica Va, made this beautiful design. The shirts are $20 each. Pre-ordering for shirts starts NOW and will end Tuesday, March 20th at 11:59 pm. Pre-Order sizes include (S, M, L, XL), we will be accepting Venmo payments for pre-orders only. We will also be selling shirts at our event but pre-ordering will guarantee that you get a shirt! Shirts can be picked up during our Khmer New Year event at Curl Hall! Please be sure to fill out the form below!
Form for Pre-Sales:

Marketing Head, Carolyn Tran

Khmer lessons with Lok Tha Chanta at Wat Samakyserirattanaram

Shout out to Tanaka and Sokchea for putting together these khmer lessons with Lok Tha Chanta!

The Buddhist temple (Wat Samakyserirattanaram) in Grove City is hosting Khmer lessons on Sunday from 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm. Lok Tha Chanta hopes to see more involvement from the younger generation of Cambodian-Americans and from all people who are interested in Khmer culture.

We hope to see new faces next Sunday!

Address: 4730 Harrisburg Pike, Grove City, OH 43123