Last Lecture Series: Ross Bjork
On November 18, 2024, the 111th Mortar Board Class hosted Athletics Director, Ross Bjork, for his Last Lecture Series on Leadership and Why It Matters.
Ross Bjork is the Senior Vice President Athletics Director. He joined our Buckeye community in July 2024 as the 9th Athletics Director for the university. He has more than 30 years of experience in intercollegiate athletics including Texas A&M, Western Kentucky University, UCLA, University of Miami, and University of Missouri.
In addition to a crowd of students, Mortar Board Alumni Council members also attended the lecture and Q&A that followed.

Last Lecture Series, Ross Bjork
Last Lecture Series: Dean Danny Glassmann on Living a Tragicomic Life
On October 17, 2023, the 110th Mortar Board Class hosted Dean Danny Glassmann’s Last Lecture Series on Living a Tragicomic Life: Daring to Be Happy and Healthy No Matter What.
Dr. Danny Glassmann is Dean of Students and Associate Vice President for Student Engagement and Support in the Office of Student Life.
Mortar Board’s Last Lecture Series was inspired by Randy Pausch’s national bestselling book, The Last Lecture, which provided a summation of everything he had come to believe mattered most in his life.
In similar fashion, Dean Glassmann’s Last Lecture explored his tragicomic life–past, present, and future–and the lessons, learnings, and love that have come through moments of happiness and sadness. He hopes to inspire us to embrace the tragicomedy in our own lives so that we can dare to live happy and healthy lives no matter what.
View Dean Glassman’s Last Lecture here!
The 110th Class Members Volunteered at Mid-Ohio Food Collective, October 21, 2023!

Mortar Board members helped organize and package food while volunteering at the Mid-Ohio Food Collective!
Last Lecture Series with Provost Gilliam
Autumn 2022 Semester
The 109th class members hold a general body meeting
The members of the 109th class gather in the Mortar Board room in Thompson Library to learn about vulnerability in leadership.
Trunk-or-Treat in Canal Winchester on October 25th
2021 Ohio State Homecoming Parade!
The 108th class members at the CAP Retreat!
Mabel G. Freeman Chapter Action Plan Planning Retreat
On August 27th members of the 108th class will decide what the chapter would like to take up, achieve, and/or advance, and on the 28th the Executive Board will meet to draft the chapter action plan.
Distinguished Speakers Panel:
- Dr. Kirsten Fox, Mortar Board Executive Director and Alumna
- Ms. Katie Chick, Mortar Board National Council President
- Ms. Gail Harrison Corvette, Immediate Past Mortar Board National Council President, and Alumna
- Dr. Mabel G. Freeman, Former Mortar Board National Council President, Former Assistant Vice President for Undergrad Admissions and FYE, creator of the First Year Experience, dedicated advocate for students, equitable education, increased educational access and attainment, and Alumna
- Ms. Barbie Tootle, President of The Ohio State University Mortar Board Alumni Council and Alumna
Last Lecture Series
Join us on October 14th at 7:00 PM to listen to our own VP for Student Life!
Apple Picking – 10/10/20
We finally could escape the virtual world and meet in person for some team bonding and fall fun.
Initiation – 10/4/20
While we weren’t able to have a “normal” initiation in the spring, we made it work with what we could do, socially distant, Zoom, masks and all!