Local Government
This is a form of government existing at the base level of communities. Often times this is the city, village, municipality or region in which one lives. Local governments are vital in shaping community growth, innovation and inclusion. Many public policy movements being on this level of government.
Some of the most notable areas of local government expertise are economic development, planning, community affairs, parks & recreation, public safety, legal affairs, local courts, mayors, city council, city management and finance/budgeting.
The purpose of the ICMA Student Chapter at Ohio State University is to:
- Learn about what local government is, looks like & how you can be a part of it.
- Learn more about organizing and influencing policy, programs, and services on the local government level.
- Establish connections between students and local government leaders.
- Discuss new and existing practices for local government.
- Familiarize students with ICMA, the premier local government management association, its members, resources, and policies;
- Establish connections between local government management theories, practices, and applications through tangible and actual examples.
- Cultivate a learning community wherein members actively share experiences and learn from one another.
- Membership is FREE!
- Free registration for the annual conference
- A Knowledge Network profile on ICMA.org with access to information on best practices, interviews, fellowships, internships, networking, and much more!
- Access to Who’s Who, a great networking tool
- Access to the ICMA Job Board
- Full Digital membership, including ICMA’s newsletter, PM Magazine Online, members-only files, and content (such as the Job Hunting Handbook and Leading Ideas interviews)
- Webinars and podcasts exclusively for student chapter members
Source: icma.org