Subteam Updates

  • The Mechanical team meets Sundays after S’ups (noon EST) and once every week on Wednesdays at 7:00pm EST in the lab room at Dreese Labs.
  • For more information, email richardson.1082, reach out to Isabella Richardson at Microsoft Teams or come to a meeting!
  • 3D Printer
    • What has been done: Assembly of subassemblies have been put together. XY and Z assembly along with hot end is fairly finalized.
    • What is being done: Coming up with ideas for mounting panels for enclosure and electronics box and filament storage.
    • What will be done: Meeting with person from IC3D to review design and discuss his sponsorship.
  • Center of Mass
    • What has been done: All of the wiring has been done, and all the load cells are reading and code is done.
    • What is being done: Calibrating the load cells and testing it to verify readings.
    • What will be done: After it’s calibrated, test it on the robot.
  • Torpedoes
    • What has been done: Torpedoes were made.


  • The Software team meets Sundays after S’ups (noon EST) and has open meetings every Tuesday 4:30pm to 6:30pm EST at Dreese Labs Room 480 (Only need to attend sometime between 4:30-6:30, not the entire meeting time).
  • For more information, email sayre.188, reach out to Mitchell Sayre on Microsoft Teams, or come to a meeting!
  • Overall
    • What has been done: Almost all software packages running on the robot fully ported to ROS2. The ones that were finished this week: Hardware package was fully ported (The system that allows us to interface with sensors on the robot such as camera and IMU), Controllers package was ported (controls position and orientation of our robot), Localization package (system that uses sensor inputs to derive our robots position and orientation), and Autonomy package (system running on our robot that tells it to complete tasks). Updated stembot controller code to work if the thrustors only spin one way. Trained a new vision model that seems to improve the issues we were having with incorrect orientations of objects being reported. Flipped the IMU sensor back to its expected position
    • What is being done: Porting final 2 ROS packages: Teleop package (The system that lets us drive the robot with a keyboard or PS3 controller) and Vision package (Tool that runs our computer vision models and detects objects of interest when our robot is operating in the water). Improve how mapping handles invalid detections from the vision system. Torpedo Task code
    • What will be done: Link all the ported ROS2 packages together and test them to find issues where they do not link correctly together. Run the test plan for this coming Sunday pool test in the simulator as a team to try and find any issues before it goes in the water. Drive the robot in ROS2 at this pool test and have the robot perform tasks.


  • The Navionics team meets Sundays after S’ups (noon EST) and once every week on Wednesdays at 7:00pm EST in the lab room at Dreese Labs. 
  • For more information, email barker.569, reach out to Flip Barker on Microsoft Teams, or come to a meeting!
  • Overall
    • What has been done: Actuator Firmware has been finished (needs validated). Fixed some bugs with MK1.5 Power board and now able to supply more than 15N of thrust! Limit tests begin tomorrow. Connector selections for MK2 boards. Mk1 actuator board redesign –> MK1.5.
    • What is being done: MK2 ESC board and Schematics (moving along quickly and smoothly!). MK1.5 actuator design review and fixes. Actuator firmware testing and validation. Fixing DVL cabling issues found at the last pool test.
    • What will be done: Order MK1.5 Actuator board. Fix issues found at pool test (always). Continue limit testing PD board. Accelerate the pace on MK2 development.


  • Business team meets the first Sunday of every month after S’ups in Dreese Labs. 
  • For remaining weeks of the month will be Friday meetings from 5:00pm to 6:00pm in the Ohio Union Aviation Room.
  • For more information, email eggett.3, reach out to Caroline Eggett on Microsoft Teams.
  • Finances
    • What has been done: The spending analysis second review is due today.
    • What is the next step: The business team lead will review and give feedback.  It is due 4/30/22
  • Marketing
    • What has been done: The newsletter has been refreshed.
    • What is currently being done: The team is working on the triannual newsletter. Amber is taking over the social media accounts.
    • What is the next step: The triannual newsletter will be sent out.
  • Outreach
    • What has been done: The STEMBot progress is done.  We have created a survey reflection and will use to get feedback.
    • What is currently being done: STEMBot leads are meeting to discuss next steps.
  • Operations
    • What has been done: The website has gotten the STEMBot report uploaded.
    • What is currently being done: Recordings for torpedo gauge, task mechanisms, and the electric toaster are being recorded and edited.
    • What is the next step: The website and video will be done by 4/30/22
  • Professional Development 
    • What is the next step: APTIV workshop was handed off to Amber Dellacqua.
  • Merchandise
    • What is being done: David is getting all the merchandise ideas documented by 4/30/22
    • What is the next: Once the Autumn term comes around, we will use this information to make sure the online shop can get started in September.
  • Human Resources 
    • What is being done: Quinn is brainstorming AU22 recruitment events and times.
    • What is the next step: Mark, the news business team lead will use this information in the summer to coordinate these events for the Autumn.