General Subteam Updates
Electrical Team
The electronics for Talos have been fully assembled! After a long time in the making, the Mark 2 electronics system has reached the point where it can run the robot. Mark 2 has taken all of the lessons learned from the previous electronics used in Tempest to create a more streamlined and stable electronics system. Talos will be running Mark 2, which will provides more insight and diagnostics into the current state of the robot, as well as cleaning up all of the fixes put in place from Mark 1. I would like to thank everyone on the Navionics team for putting in the hard work over these last couple of months to get Mark 2 to where it is now. This would not have been possible without everyone’s support.
Mechanical Team We built Talos! It has been several months of design and manufacturing in the making, but it is now ready to take on its first pool test. Talos is eight pounds lighter than Tempest because of hollow aluminum structure, reduced thruster cable lengths, and pocketed lids. Talos is significantly more rigid because of its tensioning cables and triangular shaped structure. The center of mass is now adjustable, which makes the robot more efficient and easier to calibrate. Task mechanisms can mount to the modular “Holy Bar,” which allows them to be in view of the camera and allows many positioning options. The electronic cages now snap onto the rails, making the IMU location consistent. A new lid with a weld block enables SubConns to come out the back of the vehicles at 90 degrees to reduces weight and cable drag, making the vehicle easier to control when driving in reverse. Lastly, it fits through a door and is easy to transport with ergonomic handles. Huge thanks to everyone who helped on the project and stayed late in the lab to make this a reality!