Update #1

Please see the updated 2025 Schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zVQ2A8kbgu6AflOBNI7D0CFplABsdl6fYtYu_3SB7bI/edit?usp=sharing 

    1. The schedule: the schedule has been completely updated. Thank you to everyone who pointed out errors; they should all be resolve
    2. Team numbers: Please check the spreadsheet emailed for any updates and note those when you enter your self-schedule build events 
  • Self-scheduling: Needs to be completed by Wednesday, January 22nd at 11:59PM EST.
    1. Homerooms: Some of the rooms have been changed or switched, so please check those before the day of the invitational.
    2. Material science: The event is going to be a dry lab this year, unfortunately. Please inform your students. 
    3. Point of contact: The main person to contact is going to be our President, Isabella Rodgers. Her phone number is below, please text or call her on the day of the competition to give us any urgent updates:
  • Awards: Our awards ceremony will be held in-person in McPherson 1000 and virtually over Zoom. You are welcome to attend either way 

Parking: Parking will be provided for school buses and vans carrying equipment. These will be allowed to park in the St. John’s Arena south parking lot for free (362 W Lane Ave, Columbus, OH 43210). Parking costs for parent spectators or any other cars will not be covered by OSU SciOly and will cost $10.25 per vehicle for the entire day. There is more information that we are waiting to hear back from OSU’s parking company, however this is what we have so far. More updates to come. 


Food: We recommend teams bring food or purchase food from nearby venues on or off campus. Accessible on-campus options include Curl Market, Union Market, and the various cafes among others.



LiabilityPlease note: The Ohio State University will not take custodial responsibility for minors while participating in the invitational. Custodial responsibility will remain with teachers, parents, legal guardians and chaperones. 


Impound: Impound will start at 7:30 AM and will be held in the RPAC lower gym.