

Submission Guidelines

1. Must be a current undergraduate or recent graduate (within one year) who is submitting work conducted during their undergraduate career at The Ohio State University.
2. Work must pertain to past, present, or maybe even future philosophical debates of any kind—work submitted from students of other departments are encouraged so long as they engage with philosophy in a meaningful and relevant way. Submissions are allowed to be creative and/or bear literary value, though we are looking for essays and papers, not works of fiction or poetry.
3. To ensure that peer review is unbiased by personal affiliation, name must be left off the submission (both file title and paper content). File title should be paper title.
4. Work must be at least 1500 words and at most 5000 words.
5. Use proper grammar and formatting conventions (any standard style… ex. MLA, APA, Chicago).
6. Three submissions per author are allowed: only one at most will be published.
7. Do not submit any work submitted here to more than one journal. If you have submitted a given piece of philosophy elsewhere, do not submit here.
8. All authors reserve copyright over their original works and approve our publication as a reproduction of their work upon submission.


These guidelines are also listed on the Google Form.