A Letter from the Editors

After a year of hard work, we are pleased to announce the publication of Sorge Volume 2!

This year, we received a number of high quality submissions. The submissions we have selected have been subject to peer-review and polished to shine their best.

How have our authors expressed their care this year? One by carefully contemplating the meaning of our moral language and how it relates to human psychology and neuroscience. Another dives deep into the burgeoning significance of AI in how we teach and educate students about philosophy, with important observations about the future of pedagogy as a whole. Finally, one author subjects American healthcare to rational scrutiny, with equal parts compassion, precision, and concern.

Sorge continues to embrace and encourage the growth, research interests, and professional development of undergraduate philosophers as a central population of knowledge production and interpretation.

We hope you enjoy.

Benjamin Campbell, Editor-in-Chief